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House Parties

Black Oak Casino Bus Run - September 26, 2010 - Once again RTB supporters came in droves and made our casino bus run a big success! We are fortunate to have family and friends that believe in our Motorcycle Association and showing us love. A huge thank you to everyone that made this a successful day!

We had our very first RTB bowling tournament and after a very close heated competitions Brother "Fearless" took top honors in winning the prestigious men's trophy and Sister Jolene took the woman's honor! What a great way to spend the afternoon!


Samurai and Dynamite organizers of the event. Thank you Jolene and Elna for preparing our delicious snacks!

Once again raffles, games and karaoke to get us in the fesitve gambling mood!

Family style grubbin' at the buffet!



R E S P E C T - T H E - B R O T H E R H O O D